KUMEKUWA na mjadala mzito juu ya ajenda ya Chama Kikuu cha Upinzani nchini Tanzania (CHADEMA) kuhusu ama kususa au kuzuia uchaguzi mkuu unaotarajiwa kufanyika Oktoba 2025, huku viongozi wa...
Tag: Tundu Lissu
People and Events
Mbowe illegally held at Oysterbay Police Station. Lawyers speak up
AFTER four days of public speculations on the whereabouts of Tanzania’s Opposition Leader Freeman Mbowe, it has been revealed that he is held in custody at the Oysterbay Police...
IMEBAINIKA kuwa mashitaka ambayo Jeshi la Polisi linajaribu kumtengenezea Mwenyekiti wa Chadema, Freeman Mbowe, yana mkono mrefu wa Ikulu. Taarifa za uhakika ambazo SAUTI KUBWA imezipata kwa vyanzo mbalimbali...
People and Events
Chadema, US decry Tanzania government’s malicious charges against Mbowe
DETAINED Tanzania’s main opposition leader Freeman Mbowe and other 15 prominent members of Chadema are due to appear in court tomorrow to answer charges of conspiracy to commit terrorist acts and...
Majaliwa ashutumiwa kwa kuwaiga Bashite, Musiba kutisha ndugu wa wakosoaji waishio ughaibuni
WAZIRI Mkuu wa Tanzania, Kassim Majaliwa, na Waziri wa Sheria na Katiba, Mwigulu Nchemba, wameingia katika kashfa mpya ya kutishia maisha ya baadhi ya Watanzania wanaohoji hali ya afya...
DESPITE the challenges of secrecy and oppression surrounding the entire 2020 general election process in Tanzania, a special panel of 12 eminent persons from across Africa has compiled and...
Siasa za somo la historia ya Tanzania zaleta ukakasi. Mitaala mipya kuanza Julai 2021
WANAZUONI, walimu na wachambuzi kadhaa wa masuala ya elimu wameonya kuhusu historia ya Tanzania kupotoshwa kwa malengo ya kisiasa. Tayari Serikali ya Tanzania kupitia kwa Waziri wa Elimu, Prof....
TUNDU Lissu, the opposition’s presidential candidate in Tanzania’s just-ended general election has left for exile in Europe, citing life threats from “unknown people.” Lissu had previously been arrested by...
TANZANIA’s main opposition party, CHADEMA, has officially endorsed Seif Shariff Hamad for the presidency of Zanzibar. Hamad vies on the ACT-Wazalendo ticket, but CHADEMA said it was withdrawing its...
Mgombea urais kupitia tiketi ya Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), Tundu Lissu ameahidi kuwa akishinda nafasi hiyo katika uchaguzi mkuu wa Oktoba 28, mwaka huu, Serikali atakayoiongoza itafuta...