HOLDING a book titled “God CEO” close to her chest, and flanked by prison officers as she entered the High Court of Tanzania from Segerea Prison on Thursday morning...
Author: Ansbert Ngurumo
“Go and counsel those that you lead or else they will end up in prison.” At a place and occasion that had nothing to do with party politics, such...
Opposition leader incarcerated on flimsy grounds as Magufuli fast brands Tanzania as a country of murdered, kidnapped and jailed critics
AS Tanzania sinks deeper into dictatorship, voices form allover the world are castigating John Magufuli’s demagogic and despotic politics of cruelty and torture as he cracks down on all...
BoT governor wary of journalists’ questions
MTANZANIA yeyote, au raia wa nchi yoyote, aliyefuatilia utendaji wa serikali zetu tangu mwaka 1995 hadi sasa, atakuwa amegundua kwamba kuna uzi mwembamba unaunganisha marais wetu. Ni watawala wale...
LIKE never before, the world is against Tanzania. Why? Because Tanzania has turned its back against human rights. In Nelson Mandela’s words in his reference to Apartheid South Africa...
Breaking News
EU reviews relations with Tanzania citing deteriorating human rights, Magufuli’s undue pressure on foreign diplomats
THE European Union (EU) is reviewing its diplomatic relations with Tanzania due to an increasing deterioration of human rights situation in the East African country. Earlier diplomatic efforts to...
Maswali Magumu na vyama vya siasa vidogo vidogo Yalikuwepo masuala mengi mazito yaliyosababisha mijadala na uchambuzi mzito. Lakini haya machache yameteuliwa ili yawe msingi wa hoja zinazoibuka katika kitabu...
AT a time when the government of Tanzania is fumbling with a cashew nut crisis to the point of the president firing ministers and suggesting a military operation in...
IF CPJ journalists Angela Quintal and Muthoki Mumo went to Tanzania to research on the shrinking civic space and freedom of the press, the government made it shorter and...